CONSCIENCE IN PERILS He's actually a prisoner of good
conscience. Shame to ministers of the gospel who do not say the truth about a
failed state, but esteem the reincarnated Tower of Babel. A place that houses the
dirtiest city in the world. With all shame to this failed state, human right
continues to be violated. One quick question that comes to mind, remains the
hypocrisy of the cultural capital of Europe. A place where "WWW" is
better preferred than real life games. With all the attempt of the cultural
capital of Europe, to crush the most successful people in darkest part of human
race, the sheaves of God remain on them.
Considering the genocide committed here and the hypocrisy of
the world towards foiling it, the use of modern means of communication exposed
their unending atrocities. I seek to inform all nations of the world about the
TREASONABLE FELONY committed on the 31st december, 1983 by the military head of
state who dethroned a democratically elected President from the Mohammadean
emirate of the north. With this plead, I stand to support all course geared
towards the release of the prisoner of good conscience.
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