Wednesday, 6 July 2016

News; The FBI has enough to indict Hilary Clinton but will not- Wikileaks.

President Barack Obama while speaking yesterday 5 July 2016 in Charlotte North Carolina said, there's never been any man or woman more qualified to be president than Hillary Clinton. He further said that Hilary Clinton has never demonized other people.                                                                      *For more, visit us today*

Parts of his statements reads:   "Sometimes we act as if never having done something and not knowing what you're doing is a virtue". Hilary Clinton who is faced with issues regarding her use of private email server for top gov’t documents is said to have gained support from democrats in American.

 Although the FBI has said that the country’s security was at risk with her use of private email server, they have suggested that no charges be placed on Clinton 

Wikileaks responding to this has on its twitter handle said ''the FBI has enough to indict Clinton but will push for concessions in exchange (to not indict).

In some other tweet, Wikileaks said '' although the press has concentrate on Hilary Clinton email's investigation, evidence of suspected criminality extends well beyond it

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